Semester Exam AuTomation System of IOE (SETISI) सेटिसी
SETISI is an inhouse ICT projects initiated to automate the examination activities of IOE. Examination Control Division (ECD) of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University is the one prominent and most busy organization where it conducts several examinations throughout the year. ECD conducts bi-annual semester exams for regular and back exam of bachelor of engineering students having 10 streams in its four constituent campuses and ten affiliated colleges. Similarly, ECD also conducts bi-annual exams for masters of engineering programs having seven streams and 21 sub-streams. Hence tentatively, there are more than 16000 examinees in an exam including regular and back. Additionally, successful conduction of BE/BArch entrance examination as well as M.Sc. entrance examination is the part of examination to be conducted by ECD.
Examination registrations of all programs, exam center management, examinees detail verifications, exam roll number and admit card generations, collections of internal, projects, survey marks and its processing/verifications, coding/decoding of the answer sheets, packaging, expert assignments, air and ground transportations and delivery of packets/question, tracking of packets, secure result processing and result publications, question setting arrangement, re-totaling managements, error correction and verification and many more are the quite challenging events continuously to be handled by ECD of IOE requiring more human resources and time critical management of all activities to adapt with the defined calendar.
The continuous increase of streams and examinees demand more on all other relevant resources making the system more complex for operation and management within the existing non-automated manual system environment. Hence, to consider the efficient, reliable, secure and transparent operation and management of the system, a research towards the automation ECD has been initiated with the development of the software and its implementation in a planned way. The whole system development at a time shall be complicated and costly too. We are developing the automated system and implementing by developing it in modules with the principle of rapid application development so that while implementing one module encourages for analysis and design of other relevant modules.
ECD already has secure result processing system for BE/BArch programs. While online based exam registrarion, procfessing and admit card generation as well as M.Sc. result processing and publications modules are under development